Monday, 23 September 2013

Beautiful Bead Curtains For Your Home

The dramatic return of beads!  Bead curtains might not be the first thing that you would originally think of when styling a home.  In fact, the beaded curtains probably aren’t something that would ever come to mind for many when they are redecorating their homes.  However, bead curtains can be a fantastic tool to use and more and more people today are using them.

These were first popular in the 1960’s and they did add something extra to a home, a talking or focal point.  However, after a while, these types of curtains went out of fashion and for a very long time, the beaded curtains were hardly ever seen, especially over the last decade or so.

Though, they did serve a purpose; as they were placed on door frames and used instead of doors which did come in use at times and added something different very different to the home also.  However, they are now making a very welcomed comeback to the world of fashion!

Nowadays, the bead curtains are all the rage for windows!  Of course, beaded curtains for windows can be quite good and they do allow a window to stand out and get more colours going to it.  This can be an excellent idea for rooms that need a brightened up or just have a bit more colour to it.  Though, these are very popular throughout Asia and are moving their way towards the rest of the world also. The beaded curtains do offer a lovely bohemian look that is becoming more and more popular today.  What is more, there are a lot of different styles and designs available to use to make a room stand out more.

Bringing more colours into a room is going to be very important and often very hard to do.  Of course, you could just use the normal everyday curtains but they can’t always bring the colour you need or want.  You can’t always get a new dimension to your windows either or if you want your doorways!

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